5 Simple Steps to Motivating Yourself

We all go through times in our life when even the thought of getting started on something seems impossible. And that’s not always a bad thing — while we’ve become obsessed with the cult of productivity, balance between goal-oriented time and leisure time is...

Feeling lost? This is for you.

We all go through periods of uncertainty in our lives — while they’re uncomfortable, they’re often times of great growth. But what about when you’re feeling not so much uncertain as just totally lost? It can feel overwhelming, even debilitating, like taking even one...

Negative thoughts are good. Here’s why.

If there’s one thing the recent trends in personal development have taught us, it’s to focus on positive thoughts and get rid of negativity. After all, negative thoughts are bad, right? (I mean, they’re called negative for a reason…) Actually, no. This is a huge...

How to stop being a people pleaser

Everybody likes to be liked … but sometimes, that very natural desire can get out of control. You end up attaching too much value to what other people think of you, so much so that it actually reduces your quality of life. You might think it’s just a habit (or that...

Life doesn’t happen to you. You create it.

How often have you thought to yourself something like, “Why do these things always happen to me?”, “I can’t help myself,” or “I’m only like this because XYZ happened to me.” You’re certainly not alone in having these types of thoughts … but they are more destructive...