We’re steeped in a culture that’s fascinated by right and wrong. From the TV shows we watch to the discussions we have around the dinner table to the way we talk to ourselves, it’s almost impossible to avoid it.

But what if no one can get it “right”?

The truth is, right is a matter of perspective, and the whole idea of right vs wrong is an entirely subjective experience. Buying into it is one of the many things that separates us from wholeness.

So let yourself off the hook!

There is no way to get things right. Why? Because there’s no overseer, no writing in the sky, nothing at all that says what is wrong. The perfect life doesn’t exist.

You can’t get life right, and you can’t get life wrong.

This might sound very scary to you — after all, it does go against the dominant narrative we live with. But you have a choice here: accepting this idea can either cause you pain, or it can set you free, freer than you ever imagined.

Because when you do believe it, you can stop putting expectations on yourself, beating yourself up for where you are, or aren’t, or should be. It makes where you are right now OK. And it raises some interesting questions, like:

If you knew that you were never going to be able to get it right … what then?

What would be possible? What would you do instead? When you change up your thinking, you’re able to take the pressure off. Because if there is no right or wrong, you’re not failing. You can’t fail, in fact! Try imagining a world in which everything you experience is OK the way it is.

That’s unconditional love.

And unconditional love doesn’t judge, it brings light to the darkness within yourself and the world around you. Only unconditional love, without judgment, can health the wounds of suffering humanity. Only unconditional love can bring us to wholeness and oneness.

So try accepting what is, even embracing what is, rather than searching for some “perfect” you. There’s power there — and freedom.

Want this freedom for yourself? I help people just like you undertake the transformation from stuck to soaring. Find out how here.