We all go through periods of uncertainty in our lives — while they’re uncomfortable, they’re often times of great growth. But what about when you’re feeling not so much uncertain as just totally lost? It can feel overwhelming, even debilitating, like taking even one step forward is impossible. If you’re not even sure which way is up any more, try these things:

1. Tune into and express your emotions.

Tune into and express your emotions. Really take some time to focus on your body and observe your emotions. What’s going on? Name the emotions you’re feeling, and observe where they are in your body. Your emotions have a valuable message to share, to let them tell their story.

2. Discover your inspiration and passion.

When you discover your feelings of inspiration and passion you’ll lose that feeling of disorientation and start to feel joy. If you don’t know what your passion is, then it’s time to try something new. Not sure where to start? Try anything that might interest you, no matter how small it is. Just give it a try to see if it makes you feel good, and if not, then try something else.

Similarly, try to experience the feeling of passion. Often times, people who feel lost are disconnected from their passion, and thus disconnected from their purpose and a deep level of meaning in their lives. You can only know your purpose once you access the emotional feeling of your particular passion.

3. Cultivate self-awareness.

Ask yourself, “Why am I doing what I’m doing? Is what I am doing serving my highest good or my best self?” If not, it’s time to consider realigning your actions with your higher purpose. And if you’re not sure what your higher purpose is, then keep going back and tapping into that passion — it will come out eventually.

4. Gravitate towards people who make you feel good when you’re around them.

It’s often said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time around. So naturally, if you’re spending a lot of time around people who don’t make you feel good, or don’t call you towards your higher self, you’re going to feel a disconnect.

5. Quit distracting yourself from yourself.

It’s so important that you learn how to be present with yourself. You might find yourself saying, “I’m too busy for that” — that’s one of the main distractions of people who feel lost. To not be busy means to be present with yourself. When you are truly present with yourself, it might feel chaotic or empty because your own internal guidance system is trying to tell you, “You’re off course. You’re not happy.” The good news? The Universe works on contrast. If you feel lost, now’s the time to find yourself.

6. Don’t believe everything your mind tells you … especially when it’s telling you about something that might make you happy.

Your feelings are the true navigators of what might make you happy, not your mind. So quit obsessing about things, quit worrying about your future outcome. Once you are aligned with your purpose or passion the Universe will support you on your journey. Trust!

7. Quit living cautiously.

It might be scary to get out of your comfort zone, but would you rather be comfortable in an uncomfortable situation, or would you rather be truly happy? Try at least one thing that you’ve been putting off for “some day” because it seems a little too crazy — you might be surprised just how achievable it is!

8. Write down these 10 things that will help you find yourself … and try at least one of them:

— Buy paint and start painting.
— Express your emotions to someone you trust.
— Read the book Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
— Watch motivational YouTube videos
— Read articles about feeling lost
— Start seeing a life coach or a therapist
— Go for a walk by yourself
— Write down your emotions every day
— Tell yourself that there is light at the end of the tunnel

It’s my deepest wish that no matter how lost you may feel right now, you find yourself and feel the happiness that comes with knowing you’re aligned with your passion. So even if you’re feeling completely disconnected, adrift in your own life, try one of these things — even the smallest step can have huge implications for your life.

If you’re having a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, I’m here to help. Click here to find out how I can support you as you start your journey from lost to found.